Environmental | Civil Engineering | Groundworks | Agriculture | Amenity

I and J Bushell are an Environmental, Groundworks, Agricultural Contracting Company based in Surrey, UK.
With over 30 years experience in a wide range of applications, we currently undertake work across Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Kent and all across London.
I and J Bushell originally started out specialising in providing amenity services to local authorities and councils, which eventually diversified into the environmental sector of the market where we provide environmental services ranging from conservation work to re-wilding projects to habitat creation. Whilst we still provide these services to many South London and Surrey local authorities, we have since expanded into the construction and civil engineering sector offering groundworks and civil engineering services to housing developments, commercial and residential projects.
We pride ourselves on providing a reliable, efficient and cost effective solution to your problems.

Environmental, Civil Engineering, Groundworks, Amenity and Agricultural Contracting

Groundworks and Civil Engineering
We can provide a variety of different solutions from initial site clearances through to full groundworks and civils packages.
Some of the services we can provide in this area are:
Excavations and Earthmoving (Foundation Excavations, Bulk Excavations, Site Strips, Site Clearance, Cut and Fill Operations, Muck shifting, Muckaway, Swimming Pool Excavations, Geological Test Holes)
Concreting (Foundations, Rafts, Retaining Walls, Steel Reinforcing, Concrete Finishing)
Drainage (Foul, Stormwater/Surface Water, Land, Soakaways, Silt Traps, Deep Drainage, Sewage Treatment Plants, Tank Installation, Detention Basins, Attenuation Tanks, SUDS Drainage Systems)
Infrastructure (Road Construction, Footpath Construction, Car Park Constructions, Footpaths, Access Track Construction, Underground Services/Utilities)
Operated Plant Hire (360 Excavators 3- 21 Tonne Equipped with Tiltrotators and Attachments including Grading Beams and Selector Grabs, 180 Excavators, Dumpers, Rollers and More)

With our highly experienced team and innovative, high specification machinery we are able to undertake a wide variety of landscaping services ranging from commercial hard landscaping to sports pitch construction and everything in between. Some of these services are listed below:
Hard Landscaping (Sub-Base Preparation, Block Paving, Permeable Paving, Kerbs, Edging, Retaining Walls, Gabion Baskets, Concreting)
Equine Services (Riding Arena Construction, Horse Walker Foundations, Stable Yard Construction, Access Track Construction)
Sports Services (Sports Pitch Construction, Sports Pitch Renovation, Club House Landscaping, Car Park Construction, Golf Course Construction/Landscaping/Shaping)
Remediation (Below Ground De-Construction, Ground Stabilisation, Soil Screening, Soil Importation, Sub-Soil Importation)
Conservation/Woodland (Access Tracks, Multi Use Tracks, Footpaths, Cycle Paths, Rewilding, Bollards, Earth Bunds)

Due to increased demand from our clients one area that we now specialise in is providing excavation and associated agricultural machinery to facilitate environmental projects for many of our clients. These include but are not limited to:
Environmental Scraping (Topsoil Stripping, Stockpiling, Habitat Creation, Butterfly Banks)
Scrub Clearance (Scrapes, Vegetation Removal, Rewilding)
Wetlands (Wetland Construction, Pond Construction, Ditch Construction, Flood Plain Management)
Desilting Maintenance (Ditch Desilting, Pond Desilting, Wetland Management)
Wildflower Meadow Creation and Enhancements (Topsoil Removal, Over Seeding, Wildflower Seeding, Chalk Importation)

Agricultural and Amenity
We have a modern fleet of tractors, trailers, mowers, toppers and other machinery, which together with an experienced team of operators enables us to provide a professional, reliable and efficient service.
Vegetation Management (Flailing, Topping Mowing)
Wildflower and Grassland Conservation Management (Environmental Cuts, Conservation Cuts, Cut and Clear, Overseeding, Rotovating, Harrowing)
Verge Mowing (Tractor Mounted Side Arm, Banks, Verges, Rural, Urban)
Hedge Cutting (Tractor Mounted Side Arm, Lines of Sight)
Sports Pitch Reseeding and Renovation (Overseeding, Contravating, Grass Seeding)
Haymaking (Baling, Raking, Mowing, Tedding)

Wetland Creation and Brook Enhancement- Ashtead, Surrey
A project working in conjunction with 3 local authorities and the Environment Agency to create a new wetland and reconnect the brook with the floodplain as it had become particularly straight and incised. I and J Bushell acted as the main contractor and undertook the following tasks.
Site Security Fencing around the perimeter of the work site.
Regrading of the existing embankments along the brook to encourage the brook to reconnect with the floodplain. A natural, aesthetically pleasing shape was created using our excavator and hydraulic tilting bucket.
Installation of Large Woody Material in channel as deflectors to encourage the brook to start meandering again.
Excavation and construction of a new meander in channel and infill of existing channel.
Excavation of new wetland, inlet and outlet channels. The new wetland had varying depths, slopes, and shapes to encourage different types of plant species, animals and invertebrates and to created varied habitat.
Disposal and spreading on site of approximately 3500m3 of clay, soil and excavated material.

New Build Groundworks and
External Works- Dorking,Surrey
I and J Bushell were awarded the contract to undertake all groundworks for a bespoke new build property in Dorking. External works were also included as part of the works on this steeply sloping site in the Surrey Hills.
Some of the works undertaken are listed below:
Site Strip and Clearance
Garden Room Excavation, Concrete Raft Foundation and Retaining Wall Construction using Stepoc Blocks to a height of 3.1m.
Underground Services including Gas, Water, Communications and Electric.
House Foundations across 4 levels/tiers and a very complex layout.
Foul and Surface Water Drainage including foul pumping stations, all pipe work, inspection chambers, connections and soakaway installation.
Landscaping including oak sleeper steps, gabion baskets, paving, garden re-shaping and topsoiling.
Garage Reinforced Concrete Raft Foundation.

New Build Housing Development- Copthorne, Sussex
Working with the client from the early stages of this project, I and J Bushell have undertaken a wide range of groundworks and civils on this project which is a new housing development of 27 dwellings in phase one with a further 19 dwellings in phase two. Some of the tasks undertaken included:
Initial Site Setup, Site Strip and Test Holes
Sewers to adoptable standards, including foul and surface water systems using clay and twinwall pipes and a combination of preformed and site constructed manholes.
Road and Footpath excavations and construction including sub-base, tarmacadam, kerbs and edgings.
Construction of 3 large detention basins including excavation, lining and topsoiling.
House Foundation Excavation and Concreting
Plot Drainage including foul and surface water systems
Underground Services
Driveway, Patio and Car Park Construction
Attenuation Tank Excavation

Ditch and Bank Construction-
Coulsdon, London
This project was to re-excavate an existing ditch line and use the excavated material to create a soil embankment. The aim of the project was to stop unauthorised vehicular access onto the SSSi and Scheduled Historic Monument Site.
I and J Bushell provided all the machinery and labour required to facilitate the following tasks:
Re-excavate 3300m of existing ditch line and create soil embankment to create an impassable barrier.
Create vehicular passing bays every 150m to allow large vehicles to pass on the narrow road.
Carefully remove turf sods and re-lay on newly constructed embankment to aid quick regrowth and avoid seed importation. This was all done by an excavator and hydraulic tilt bucket.
Implement full traffic management system whilst work was undertaken to ensure the safety of the operatives and the public.
1 Little Woodcote Estate, Woodmansterne Road,
Carshalton, SM5 4AL, UK
020 8394 2136/ 07973 493 846/ 07979 911 655